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Louis's picture
Word Walls

These are examples of 'word walls' taken from basic concept classrooms. These are new words/concepts that come up during a basic concepts session and are written-up after the session. The word walls give teachers a visible sense of the rate of...

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Louis's picture
Same and Different

These workbook images provide a very good example of how to draw the concepts 'same' and 'different'.

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Louis's picture
Session Planner for Shape (Square)

See Session Planner attached. Please feel free to comment and to make suggestions.

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Louis's picture
Size Workbooks

This is a lovely workbook activity that is clearly presented and could involve mutliple steps: i)drawing, ii) colouring in, iii) cutting out, and iv) pasting. This activity could therefore also be used as a classroom activity while the teacher is...

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Louis's picture
Creating a Concept Teaching Classroom

We are starting to see more classroom that look like Basic Concepts classrooms. These classrooms visually reflect the Higher - and Lower Order Concepts that are being taught. We encourage teachers to have the following inside their classes:

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Louis's picture
Colour - Workbook Ideas

Here are some good examples of workbook activities for colour.

Pic (top left): A good illustration of how to draw something that is blue - all linked to water

Pic (top right): A good use of space and selection of different objects...

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model - Position (2)

Demonstrating the conceptual domain of position.

Lower Order Concepts: Top --- Middle --- Bottom

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model - Position(1) Introduction lower order concepts

Demonstrating the conceptual domain of position.

Lower Order Concepts: Top --- Middle --- Bottom

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model - Position(1) Introduction to the domain

Demonstrating the conceptual domain of position.

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model -Colour (6)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Teaching Model -Colour (5)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model -Colour (4)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model -Colour (3)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Teaching Model -Colour (2)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model -Colour (1)

Demonstrating the Concept Teaching Model

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Louis's picture
Number: Addition (concrete, semi concrete and symbolic)

The teacher in these pictures demonstrates very clearly how to move from the concrete stage in addition to the semi-concrete and then the symbolic stage.

In the concrete stage learners use concrete objects and pack-out the problem using...

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Louis's picture
Shape and Size: Building shapes and seriating them

Learners are building shapes with play dough and seriating them according to size from biggest to smallest.

This activity would be run while mediating Size (Step 5: Application) but is also based on a knowledge of Shape.


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Louis's picture
Letter: Building Letters

Learners in Kwena Basin learning to contstruct and dot letters.

The learners are required to do a conceptual analysis of each letter before they start to build the letter.

The learners are asked about the colour, shape, size,...

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Louis's picture
Size: Wall poster of Big-Medium-Small

The teacher has used the poster of the three bears very effectively to support the mediation of size. The poster thereafter becomes a reminder about the concept of size (big-medium-small).

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Louis's picture
Size: Seriation Activity

Learners were asked to seriate the triangles according to colour and size. The activity is demanding as it requires the learners to simultaneously keep their attention on both dimensions of the task: size and colour.

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