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Conceptual domain- shape

For this activity the child will need to divide a piece of paper into four. Each block can be numbered to show the different stages. 1) draw a rectangle by themselves. 2)draw four dots to show the four corners of the rectangle while tracing...

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Conceptual domain- shape

This is an example of a transfer activity that the child can do at home for shape, specifically the rectangle. It involves dividing a page into two and then finding pictures of objects that have a rectangular shape and sticking it on the one side...

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Conceptual domain- number

These are examples of two different transfer activities that can be done when dealing with the conceptual domain of number.

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Conceptual Domain- Colour

Involves dividing the page into two. Drawing 6 shapes on each side and then categorising the shapes based on colour. The one side of the page should focus on blue the other side can be any colour.

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Session planner- Colour: Blue

This session planner focuses on the first two steps of the Basic Concepts model. These two steps being Focussing and Naming as well as Identifying.

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InsoaafM's picture

Higher Order Concept - Colour (Red). Learners were able to transfer their knowledge of the colour red by pasting pictures with the colour red.They also brought along objects from home that are the colour red - this too could be seen as...

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InsoaafM's picture

Higher Order Concept - Number (5). Learners were able to pinpoint exactly where they have seen the same number anywhere else within the classroom.Workbook image could also be seen as consolidation for Lower Order Concept taught.

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InsoaafM's picture

Higher Order Concept - Shape (triangle). Learners are able to categorise groups according to its shape.

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InsoaafM's picture

Higher Order Concept - Size. Learners are able to distinguish the size of an object even in a tactile approach.They are able to recall by drawing a picture to show the size difference.

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InsoaafM's picture

Higher Order Concept - colour (red). Learners are able to identify the colour red from the pictures provided. Learners also develop fine motor skills by cutting the pictures and pasting into their workbooks.

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InsoaafM's picture
Naming and Focusing

Higher Order Concept - colour. Learners are able to name the colour red, speak about the colour as well as what they associate the colour with.

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Examples of worksheets designed to facilitate transferance

My learners really appeared to have enjoyed the activities. It is however important to note that some fine motor difficulties (poor strength and endurance) impacted their response. I have also included a few examples of the work that reflects...

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Robyn Gomes-Luis Transfer
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Robyn Gomes-Luis Application
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Robyn Gomes-Luis Bridging
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Robyn Gomes-Luis Internalizing
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Robyn Gomes-Luis Identifying
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Robyn Gomes-Luis Focussing and Naming
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Louis's picture
Position: Learners As Mediators

Learners ask each other about the position of the cube and their friend has to respond. The learners can also give each other instructions to position cubes on the board. (Step 5: Application)

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Louis's picture
Postion: Top- Middle - Bottom

Drawings after internalization (Step 3). The focus of these sessions was on Top - Middle - Bottom using the example of a mountain/hill. These children are from schools in the rural farmlands of Mpumalanga. The schools are surrounded by rolling...

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