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Louis's picture
Number: More & Less

More & Less:

The image gives a clear visual of how to set up an introduction (Step 1) to more and less.

The image shows very clearly that the first circle on the left is full with as many cubes (one colour) as one could fit in...

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Louis's picture
Number: Addition & Subtraction (Sub-steps for representing the problem solving process)

How to progress from More & Less to Addition & Subtraction:

Step 1: Give verbal instructions to solve the problem with cubes without representing the symbols (first row)

Step 2: Representing the verbal problem using cubes...

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arips's picture
Shape: Circle

Adapting the lesson on Shape-circle for learning at home with material available and then discussing what the parent was able to do with the activitiy. Lesson no 1: Shapes [1]AimIntroducing the concept of shape and today we are going to learn...

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Louis's picture
Shape: Rectangle

There is no limit to how creative you can be in the conceptual domain of shape.  Here is another idea to try in your class.

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Louis's picture
Shape: Building Shape

Workbook Activity and/or Small Group Activity:

A very useful example of how to structure an activity using different media. The teacher has provided clear instruction on how to use different media in each of the spaces on the page.

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Louis's picture
Shape: Creative Activities

Ideas for small group activities:

While the teacher is busy on the mat with the Basic Concepts Programme, the rest of her learners can continue with the following activities. Look at the photos below.

There is no limit to how...

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Louis's picture
Letter: Using Transfer Worksheet 15

How to use the Transfer Worksheet 15 for Letter. The example of the Transfer Worksheets are for Setswana speaking learners.

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Louis's picture
Letter: Building Letters Using Different Materials

Building and creating letters out of a variety of materials that are readily available in schools in rural contexts.

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Louis's picture
Teaching Model- Made by a teacher

A big, beautiful and colourful Teaching Model made by a teacher.

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Louis's picture
Size: Wall Posters

Wall Posters for Size that includes examples of learners' work.

(We might want to argue that jars are better examples of tall and short?)

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Louis's picture
Size: Theme Tables

Theme Tables for Size: It is actually a little difficult to find objects that fit only one size category and not also another. But best to find objects that are more dominantly associated with one catergory than another.

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Size Session Planner
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Session Planner: Square
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Session Planner: Blue
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Louis's picture
Colour: Red

Teachers in the Northern Cape have recently started to implement the programme. They have already produced a lot of very appropriate work for their workbooks. The representations of red are nicely sized and have been pasted into their workbooks...

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arips's picture
Expanding on the Identifying part of Shape session number 5

I worked on getting the student to expand on the drawing part of the session, but continued to draw a circle until she had a peer demonstrate making a square next to her.

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Louis's picture
Letter - Creating Word Dictionaries

Teachers create word dictionaries with their learners. The words are linked to the letter that they are mediating. The words are elicted from learners and linked to recognizable symbols/pictures to aid with word recognition. The words can then be...

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Louis's picture
Big and Small

Very creative and innovative workbook task. Drawing two pairs of scissors, one big and the other small. Note how easy it is to compare the size of the scissors.

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Louis's picture
Colour: Black

More workbook examples in the conceptual domain of colour.

Example 1: The example shows how cut-outs of different shapes can be used to build a person.

Example 2: The example shows how to draw a 3 legged pot which can also be...

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Louis's picture
Colour and Shape Posters

Very good examples of how to integrate colour and shape vocabulary with visuals of the domain inside a classroom.

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