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Basic Concepts Workbooks: Front Covers

Get creative with your BCs Workbook front cover!

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Basic Concepts Workbook: Shape - Rectangle

Learning to draw rectangles and to cut out rectangles drawn by the learner.

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Basic Concepts Workbook: Shape - Circle

Learning to draw a circle

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Basic Concepts Workbook: Colour - Green

Colour - Green

Multi-media using different textures and shades of green

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Basic Concepts Workbook: Colour - Yellow

A yellow sun made from a cardboard plate with yellow radiating rays.

A yellow sun flower made from a cardboard plate with real sun flower seeds.

A yellow duck made from yellow wool.

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Louis's picture
Basic Concepts Workbook: Colour - Red


What I like about the work:  The picture on the left-hand side of the page  typifies what red is, while the work on the right-hand side depicts the category 'red fruit'.

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