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Significant gains for all 4 project schools in Metro North
Conceptual hierarchies are crucial for vocabulary development.
A major milestone for the Basic Concepts Programme!
A day to celebrate the power of learning to transform lives...
At Basic Concepts Foundation, we are proud to support Salisbury House
We are filled with hope and determination to make this year a transformative one!
To our amazing teachers, supportive education department officials, and unwavering funders


'I can actually see results from using some of the ideas I got during the training.'


Central Training 2012

Good work, keep it up and do the same for my colleagues. This work could help save the children of South Africa … and give them hope for a better future.

Metro South Education District: Teacher Training (February, 2014)
Metro South Education District

I love the programme. I was not aware of how to introduce a concept … . If I could reverse my years in teaching, I bet I would have produced mathematicians, scientists and doctors.

Metro Central Teacher Comment (July, 2013)

It made me look at my teaching in a different way. I am excited to implement what I have learnt.

Metro Central Education District, March 2014
Metro Central Education District, March 2014

This workshop is one of the most beneficial workshops I have attended. The trainer’s presentation style was warm, easy to follow and understand. I like that he included practical activities, examples and demonstrations.

Metro Central: Training, October 2014

Practical, useful, clear, scaffolded for use in the classroom. Very approachable lecturer and lessening of anxiety through post-workshop contact.

Open Public Training, 2015 (Cape Town)