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Articles & Media Coverage

See link to the Revised Assignment for Educational Officials from the Northern Cape Department of Education below.

There is a saying that says learning does not end, and I have proven it right. It's never too late to learn new ideas and even a new career! I'm not a teacher by profession.

Thinking Maps

Carvalho, C. O. (2015). Mapas Pensantes® as a cognitive intervention resource for high school students. Master's thesis, Institute of Psychology.

Heroes of the Mind, Chrissie Ferreira de Carvalho

Heroes of the Mind

A Meta-Cognitive Programme

Read a recent newsletter which includes a write up about our collaboration with KBET
Foundation Phase teachers become mediators of the Basic Concepts Programme
Johletta Nel,
New graduate of the BCP shares her experiences.
Rabia Edries, Abu Dhabi
Rabia Edries writes about her experiences in Abu Dhabi
Dr Louis Benjamin

Louis was interviewed by Nancy Richards on SAFM, 24 August 2014

Children are not acquiring the necessary foundational skills for learning
