Kamiesberg, Namaqua District, Northern Cape
The project was implemented in multi-grade classes in the Foundation Phase at three rural schools in the Kamiesberg, Northern Cape. Four feeder pre-schools where also included in the project. The educators at the project schools were trained as mediators of the Basic Concepts Programme. The teachers received regular support from District Officials as well as visits from the Project Leader over the duration of the project.
The results of the project found significant benefits for learners who had participated in the project when compared to learners from comparable control schools in the district. The results of learners in Grade 3 in 2009 (who started the project in Grade R) were particularly encouraging. It was found that 80% (n=33) of these learners were prepared for learning on a Grade 4 level at the end of Grade 3, compared with 40% (n=13) of the Grade 3 learners at the control schools.