Northern Cape Project (Phase 3 | ZFM): Support Visit 2 - March 2024
Part of the Project
Feedback from Support Visit 2
This was an official visit to the project. The visits were conducted by the BCF team as well as district officials during the week of February 26th to March 1st.
A total of 49 teachers were visited at the project schools, with an average duration of 50 minutes per visit.
The main objective of this round of visits was to assess the teachers' progress in implementing the BCP and offer coaching and assistance wherever necessary.
Demonstration sessions for the BCP were held in 94% of the class visits, while only at one school (6%) was the visit mainly administrative. This was because we had arrived after the learners had been dismissed.
It was pleasing to find such an improvement inside the classrooms since the first round of visits. The main area of concern remains the absence of vocabularly on the classroom walls.
The aggregate teacher ratings revealed that 47% could be categorized as average, with 41% achieving a rating of either good or excellent, leaving only 12% classified as poor.
The overall observations from these visits were highly encouraging, as teachers consistently implemented the programme and demonstrated a strong grasp of the teaching approach.