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Metro Central Training: Western Cape Department of Education 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 08:30

Target Group: Grade R, Grade 1, and Learning Support Teachers

Number of participants: 30

Dates: 5 + 8 +10 + 12 October 2013

Note: Training is open to teachers from Metro Central only.

For more information: Contact Michelle Lothian (see email address below).


See teacher evaluation of training below.

See teacher feedback below.

What I understand about the Basic Concepts Programme is that it is very useful in all subjects. I must implement it in every lesson. I must also try to be as accurate and precise as possible when teaching.

Die Bron Primary School: Visit 1

It helps learners to think and forms (the) foundation for reading, writing and mathematics.

Metro South Education District: Training (January, 2013)

I realize that children need to know their basic concepts so that they can develop understanding of the content of the curriculum.

Metro South Education District: Teacher Training, May 2014

Basic concept is about improving teaching methods, language and the learning processes of our learners.

Pixley Kaseme: Training Sessions 1+2

Practical, useful, clear, scaffolded for use in the classroom. Very approachable lecturer and lessening of anxiety through post-workshop contact.

Open Public Training, 2015 (Cape Town)

I now have a broader knowledge of how to teach various concepts and reach all intelligences and learning styles.

Thinking Stars: Teacher Feedback From Training, August 2014