News & Events
Two interesting observations made in the report:-
07 September 2009
The first BCP training in the Metro with officials who will support the first group of Learning Support Teachers in the classroom.
09 March 2009 to 13 March 2009
The ELRU staff members will be trained to mentor teacher-mediators of the BCP.
15 August 2009
Registration open for the annual open public training in Cape Town.
All are welcome to attend.
A full description of the Metro Central Basic Concepts project and an interim evaluation were presented in the form of a poster at the IACESA Conference, 2008.
The results of this follow-up testing one year after the intervention indicated that learners had maintained and in most cases improved on their 2006 scores.
The following are some examples of learner writing gathered during the project.
The project results for successive cohorts of learners in each particular grade showed a positive trend towards the norm.