BCP Focus Schools: Redriver Primary | Update 1 (2024)
Part of the Project
Redriver Primary School - A focus school in Manenberg
(A report by Gill Brand, our lead focus school field worker in Metro Central)
The Redriver Primary school has been identified as a focus school of the Basic Concepts Foundation. The school will act as a site where teachers can be trained and exposed to best practice in the BCP teaching model and the skill of becoming a mediator.
The teachers have identified the need to be trained in a structured metacognitive programme which they could use in intervention sessions with the learners in their classes who don't meet the basic learning requirements of the CAPS curriculum.
A low level of language and vocabulary means they are unable to follow instructions and make meaningful contributions during lessons.
8 teachers will be trained in 2024: - 3 in Grade R, 1 in Grade 1, 2 in Grade 2, 2 in Grade 3
Training and Implementation Programme:-
Term 1: Colour,
Term 2: Shape and Size,
Term 3: Position and Number,
Term 4: Letter.
During term 1, 8 teachers received 2 days of training including a live demonstration of the teaching model. All the resources required to begin mediating the Basic Concepts Programme were provided.
Teachers have begun to practice the Domain of Colour with small groups in their class.
The feedback from the teahcers is that learners have become more focussed and attentive to questions and think more before responding. Teachers are very impressed at how quickly learners have been able to settle down to learn. Learners are using the conceptual vocabulary of the programme and are starting to talk in full sentences.
Tearchers will receive ongoing and regular support visits to encourage and mentor them as they progress on this exciting journey during the year.