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Mediator Manual

The mediator manual includes:

  • background and introduction to the programme

  • a detailed outline of 48 BC Sessions

  • a set of tools to support the implementation of the programme: recording, evaluating, and monitoring sheets

  • a set of BC Transfer Worksheets

  • a set of useful Appendices

The manual is available in English and Afrikaans.

ZAR 325.00

What stood out for me - was not teaching the content, but how to teach the concept and so much vocabulary is elicited …

Thinking Stars: Teacher Feedback From Training, August 2014

Very informative. Well planned. Well organised. Based on CAPS. Good intervention programme.

Metro Central Training: WCED (February, 2015)

Strategies to help teachers to support learners to think, as well as thinking about how thinking occurs and what the gaps might be.

Open Public Training, Cape Town (2013)
BCP Short Course, UCT (June 2013)

We were taught the theory as well as the practice.  I now feel confident to start to implement the programme with my class and even with my nieces and nephews.

Mitchell's Plain Primary School, November 2015

I love the programme. I was not aware of how to introduce a concept … . If I could reverse my years in teaching, I bet I would have produced mathematicians, scientists and doctors.

Metro Central Teacher Comment (July, 2013)

The BCP is about the way we talk to the children in class and how we give lessons in class. How we should introduce a topic to the children and mediate with them.

Northern Cape Project (Phase 2, 2020-2021): Training Feedback