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Kwena Basin Extension Project

Supported by

  • Mpumalanga Department of Education


  • Ukwezi Primary School
  • Kwena Basin Combined School
Project Details
Start Date: 
2025 to 2028
No. of Learners: 
No. of Teachers: 
No. of Sites: 
Grade Level(s): 
Grade R to Grade 3
Area of Intervention: 
Mpumalanga, Emakhazeni Circuit


The Kwena Basin Extension Project (KBEP) is a multi-year educational intervention designed to systematically enhance the scholastic performance of Foundation Phase learners (Grade R to Grade 3) in two schools in Mpumalanga.

 The overarching goal is to prepare these learners for success in the Intermediate Phase (Grade 4 to Grade 6).

This collaborative project with the Mpumalanga Department of Education (MDOE) aims to not only benefit the immediate participating schools but also to serve as a model for expansion to the remaining (8) primary/combined schools in the circuit, distict and thereafter the province.

Over the project's duration, the objective is to empower our partners, enabling them to extend the project's impact to more schools, thereby creating a sustainable and widespread improvement in educational outcomes throughout the region.


The progress of learners in the project will be tracked annually, starting from Grade R and continuing through Grade 3 until the project's completion. Two primary measures will be utilized to assess the progress of these additional language learners prior to advancing to Grade 4:

  1. Test of Basic Concepts Knowledge
  2. 15-Minute Word Writing Test

The project's objective is to enhance the literacy performance of project learners by approximately 50% compared to control schools in the area.


Project Photos