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This monitoring schedule has been developed to track the implementation of the programme on a regular (weekly) basis.

The schedule tracks three categories of teachers:

The main purpose of the chart is to encourage teachers to implement the programme. In Grade R we encourage teachers to implement the programme on a daily basis.

This is a tool to assist mediators to reflect on various aspects of their mediation and knowledge of the concept teaching model after each session.

This tool assists mediators to plan their BC sessions. 

The register helps teachers to monitor learner attendance at BCP sessions.

This schedule is designed for class visitors to give mediators feedback after observing a BC session.

This is a tool to assist mediators and classroom visitors to review the implementation of the BCP in that classroom.

A schedule that helps to track the number of class visits and provides some (brief) feedback to the mediator. 

A tool to help mediators to gauge their progress in developing mediational skills.