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Northern Cape Project (Phase 1, 2019-2021): Contact Sessions (1) - Colour

Summary of Cluster Sessions for JTG and PKS

Term 1: Week 1 - 7

The first round of Cluster Sessions far exceeded our expectations. We had anticipated that only a very small fraction of the teachers from these two remote rural districts of the Northern Cape would be able to connect to the cluster sessions.

In many cases, the teachers showed high levels of flexibility and were quickly able to learn how to connect to these virtual sessions, many for the first time. 

We found that the teachers, in the main, were very positive and responsive to our efforts to provide continued BCP support and input.

It is our aim to continue to forge connections with the teachers and to provide an additional layer of support; We are often the only support service available. 

For an example of the work done during this period of time - see the pictures below.