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Etafeni Day Care Centre, Mentoring Visits (August, 2015)

Follow-up Visit to Etafeni Day Care Centre

The theme in Grade R was vegetables, while the theme for the Pre-Grade R learners was fruit.

The learners in Grade R were actively involved in the lesson and made spontaneous use of the conceptual language to describe the colour and shape of the vegetables. The learners were also required to draw a vegetable and to accurately capture its colour and shape.

The learners in pre-Grade R were given fruits to taste and to eat. The teacher had wisely selected a range of different tastes from sweet to sour. The childrens' reaction to the sour lemon was vividly captured - See the photos below. The children were given an opportunity to talk about the tastes and to label the fruits.

  • Pre-Grade R, Topic: Fruit and Taste
  • Pre-Grade R, Topic: Fruit and Taste
  • Pre-Grade R, Topic: Fruit and Taste
  • Pre-Grade R, Topic: Fruit and Taste
  • Grade R, Topic: Vegetables
  • Grade R, Topic: Vegetables