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Size - Big & Small
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Shape - Circle
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Session Planner: Shape - Square
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Session Planner - Color Red
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Session Planner - Color Blue

Session planner for my first session at Blomvlei on the color blue.

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Louis's picture
Letter: Workbooks

Learners are asked to generate words starting with the letter at the centre of the page. The learners are also asked to draw pictures of the words to help them to read the word.

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Louis's picture
Letter: Theme Tables, Posters, Workbooks

Ideas to enhance the physical environment as well as for workbooks.

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Louis's picture
Letter: Workbooks

How to use the Transfer Worksheet 15 for letter. The example of the Transfer Worksheets are for Afrikaans speaking learners.

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Louis's picture
Position: Posters and Workbooks

Ideas to enhance the physical environment when mediating position.

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Reflections from Weeks 4-5 of Mediating: Shape

Reflections from my 4th and 5th weeks of mediating.

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Louis's picture
Physical Environment: Posters and Vocabulary Walls

Examples of the physical environment inside a Basic Concepts classroom. We encourage to teachers to make their own wall posters that reflect the concepts that they are teaching.

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Louis's picture
Position: Theme Table

Here are examples of theme tables for position.

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Louis's picture
Size: Learning to categorize

Here are examples of a workbook activity where learners are asked to categorize according size and colour.

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Reflections from the First 3 Weeks of Mediating: Colour

Some reflections from my first three weeks mediating BCP. I have only worked on two colours out of the colour module so far.

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Louis's picture
Position: Top---Middle---Bottom Wall Chart

Wonderful, creative wall chart for Top, Middle and Bottom. The wall chart is also part of the weather theme of the class.

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Louis's picture
Number: More and Less

This is a video of a number demonstration lesson by a trainee mediator. The teacher is helping her learners to develop an understanding of the concepts 'more' and 'less'. She takes the group through three identifiable steps: i) they first compare...

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arips's picture
Using counting concepts (number) to make a house

I asked the students what they see, and what they need to construct the house. " Windows" " how many?" The chimney was more difficult because they don't notice chimneys a lot, but went over one chimney per house. We later counted and requested a...

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Louis's picture
Size Workbooks

More fantastic examples of workbooks drawings for size. Thanks to Kwena Basin teachers for these submissions.

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Louis's picture
Learning How To Draw A Circle (2)

Here is an example of how to help your learners draw a cirlce. The teacher gives the child a model of the cirlce (circle on the left) and alongside leaves space with a starting point (cirlce on the right) for the child to draw a circle. The child...

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Louis's picture
Learning to Draw Shapes: Squares

These workbook images provide a very good example of how to draw a shape (square). The children are first taught how to draw the dots and then how to connect the dots. The last picture shows when dots are not used to direct the drawing process....

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